Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Signal for android and iPhones

Are you using Signal?  If not, you need to take a look at this app.  Signal allows you to have secure, encrypted text messages and phone calls with people.  Now, you both have to have Sognal, but its FREE. 

Now, be aware, when you make phone calls with Signal, it provides you and the person you are talking with a two word pass-phrase.  I normally will say one word and wait for the other person to say the other. Once that happens we both check to see if the words match and then we can talk.

Also, anytime Signal gets ANY type of interference with the call it will drop it. This can be a pain in the butt, however it does show how secure it is, since it does not take a chance on security.

Great app, get it now and be more secure starting today.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Joe,

    Glen Goodman and I just tried this out. I have a question. When I initiated a new text message, the app offered some contacts for me to select that were not in my contacts. Where do these contacts come from? Thanks
